
6 Tools to Make You Work Better

  • Jott - use Jott to dictate messages over the phone - and have them emailed to you or saved on their website, Jott.com. You can also use Jott to send SMS to other people - they are transcribed automatically by real humans!
  • RescueTime - RescueTime is a program for Windows and Mac, running all the time, that tracks what you do and reports to a website. Whenever you like, you can visit RescueTime.com to see how your time is being used.
  • Doodle/When Is Good/Presdo - use one of these three tools to schedule meeting times with other people - especially useful for parties, when everyone has a busy schedule but you still need to find time!
  • GrandCentral - GrandCentral allows you to establish one number for all calls, which are then directed to your different numbers, like work, home, and mobile. Bonus feature: voicemails are emailed to you - so no need to constantly check messages!
  • Universal Packing List - if you're going on a trip, for business or pleasure, use the Universal Packing List to decide what to bring or not. It's a complete packing list where you specify your trip details. I use this constantly!
  • Your Public Library - uh oh, books. Scary, isn't it? Limitless knowledge at your fingertips - and a great way to cure Internet addiction. Through your public library and interlibrary loans, you can now obtain nearly any published book - whether it is currently held down the street or on the other side of the world.
Hopefully these 6 tools will give you the slight edge over your competition!

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