
Multitasking: Fact or Falsehood?

There's been a whole ton of arguing about whether multitasking is really useful or not. Some people may refer to it by different names, or write a book about it, let you figure it out for yourself, write scientific papers on it, the list goes on and on. It seems to me, though that more people view it as a virus than a godsend.

I'd like to provide a different perspective.

I think multitasking has both pros and cons. Obviously, for some combinations of tasks (like, say, talking on the phone and driving) it can be dangerous or doesn't work too well. However, multitasking can be the solution. One just needs to identify the time for multitasking and the time for focusing on one activity. You could be talking on the phone and cleaning the kitchen at the same time - I've found it kills two birds with one stone. How about listening to the news and editing pictures? Or even something as mundane as eating and talking (though not exactly at the same time, I'd hope)?
You just need to ask yourself if it's safe (see above example on phones), if it's important, and if it takes a whole lot of brain power. I can't do taxes and talk on the phone at the same time, or surf the Internet and watch TV simultaneously.

So, next time you read another one of those endless multitasking articles, maybe take it with a grain of salt. Use your head and make the most of it!

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