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Hi there. I’m Adam. I’ve been writing seriously (though not on a personal site) for the past five years, on some sites you’d probably recognize, and about many things you’ve heard about. I go through some pretty amazing stuff, so I thought it’d be interesting to share them with you.

My real passion is photography. I love to take pictures more than anything else in the world, and it’s really gotten me places as well. I’ve photographed weddings of famous people, sold fine art prints, done contract work for non-profit organizations, and recently started to work from a journalistic standpoint - I've shot everyone from Hillary Clinton to Olympic athletes.

While photography is my passion, I’ve decided to write about something a lot more broad than that - I want to show you how to improve your life by working hard, playing hard, relaxing hard, and traveling hard.

I love people. Even more, I love talking to people. Since I can converse in English, Spanish, and the international language of photography, I can learn so much from other people - about their lives, and what I’m missing from mine.

Some parts of this blog may be depressing and saddening, while others may be simply hilarious. I just ask that you join me for the ride. You’ll notice that I won’t talk a whole lot about myself or give away too many personal details - because more than anything, I want this blog to be about you, not me. Expect at least two posts per week on this site, and if I don’t keep that up, you can publicly tar and feather me.

If you have any questions for me, I’d love to hear from you. I’ll try to return any emails within a week. If I’m missing something in the blog, am talking about something far too much, or even worse, have some technical problem, please send me an email at unexpectedperspective@gmail.com.
