
How to Zip Through an Airport II

You’ve gotten through security. Here’s part II.
(If you missed part I, click here to read it.)

Slip your shoes back on, grab your items out of the bin, and stuff them back into your bag. You can try to organize them later - now it’s time to just get out of there. Check your phone now for any alerts, or check the screens all over the airport to make sure your flight is on time. Proceed to the gate.

Once they’ve started boarding, please, please, please, wait until they call your row. Then stand up, get in line, and board the plane. Congrats! You did it! And it was much less painless than before, right?

Hopefully these tips and new workflow will improve the way you fly. Just to review, here are the tips we went through. Good luck!

-Carry-ons only!
-Remember 3-1-1 for liquids, and pack them into a bag at home!
-Wear comfy shoes that are easy to slip on and off!
-If you bring a laptop, keep it out of its case!
-Sign up for flight alerts on your phone or pager!
-Check in online!
-Don't get distracted while driving (or even better, have someone else drive you)!
-Remember the order for security: laptop, coat/valuables/liquids, shoes!
-Don't try to board before they call your row!

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